A John Cage site
I recently discovered a site dedicated to the composer John Cage: www.johncage.info, which provides thorough references of his work. Cage was one of the most innovative modern composers, known particularly for his use of chance, indeterminancy, the prepared piano, early electronics and application of Zen Buddist philosophy in music. He also has the distinction of being the first DJ with his piece Imaginary Landscape #1, using test tone records – in 1935!
I recently discovered a site dedicated to the composer John Cage: www.johncage.info, which provides thorough references of his work. Cage was one of the most innovative modern composers, known particularly for his use of chance, indeterminancy, the prepared piano, early electronics and application of Zen Buddist philosophy in music. He also has the distinction of being the first DJ with his piece Imaginary Landscape #1, using test tone records – in 1935!
There was recently a retrospective of some 33 films about or by him and his collaborator in dance, Merce Cunningham at Anthology Film Archives in NYC. I’ve been enjoying Margaret Len Tang’s interpretations of his work, along with Herbet Henck performances.