Month: February 2004

Java scores big in China

February 18, 2004 Off

The Register is reporting a very large Chinese cellphone (90m subscribers) contract with Sun using Java. I’m not trying to be Chicken Little, but this does lend weight to my concern that there is a technology shift occurring towards open standards in developing markets that may lead to U.S. technology stagnation or bypass for home…

By leigh

Bush Thinks Outsourcing Is OK

February 10, 2004 Off

Further to my recent blog Outsourcing, Monopolisation, Stagnation where I outlined hidden causes and implications of outsourcing the last trade surplus producing industry of the western world, technology development, the Seattle Times reports Bush thinks outsourcing is ok.

By leigh

WMD use in retrospect

February 10, 2004 Off

Juan Cole in his blog I referenced below states: Besides, George, your whole argument was that Saddam intended to use those weapons. If he had them but refused to use them when facing a frontal military attack, when exactly would he have used them? This was something I wrote on the day of the beginning…

By leigh

OPEC could consider the USD again

February 9, 2004 Off

Whether OPEC should change the oil transaction currency from US$ to Euros is definitely a topic for consideration at the latest meeting. That said, it appears it is clearly understood by OPEC that this would cause issues for the U.S currency (being one of the largest oil consumers), so OPEC will hold off any discussion…

By leigh

A John Cage site

February 9, 2004 Off

I recently discovered a site dedicated to the composer John Cage:, which provides thorough references of his work. Cage was one of the most innovative modern composers, known particularly for his use of chance, indeterminancy, the prepared piano, early electronics and application of Zen Buddist philosophy in music. He also has the distinction of…

By leigh

The Blamestorming Begins

February 6, 2004 Off

George Tenet, Director of the CIA made a courageous speech today, defending the intelligence produced by the CIA and then used by the Whitehouse to justify the invasion of Iraq. Courageous in that he chose to use an address at his Alma mater Georgetown university to explain his agency. There he faced a highly professional,…

By leigh