Would Someone Please Identify the Real President?

March 7, 2004 Off By leigh

Now we have the revelation that the Republican advertisement promoting President G.W. Bush didn’t use real firemen, instead using actors. This comes on the heels of the revelation the turkey served by Bush in the Iraq thanksgiving photo-op was also fake, and Paul O’Neill’s revelations that the cabinet meetings were scripted.

Now we have the revelation that the Republican advertisement promoting President G.W. Bush didn’t use real firemen, instead using actors. This comes on the heels of the revelation the turkey served by Bush in the Iraq thanksgiving photo-op was also fake, and Paul O’Neill’s revelations that the cabinet meetings were scripted.

Is anyone noticing a pattern here? Oh yeah, that’s it – everything that comes from the administration is also fake…I mean, the next thing we’ll start believing is that Bush is a puppet, directed and controlled by VP Cheney, using a mix of religious iconography and apocalyptic disinformation packaged as cherry-picked intelligence.