Shut Down Fox News!
While none of the corporate media deserve any kudos for their coverage (perhaps the Knight-Ridder print corporation for actually giving some coverage to doubts) of the war, there is one particularly egregious example of a fascist leaning U.S. propaganda machine. Fox News Channel, part of Newscorp, owned by the ex-Australian (he became a U.S. citizen to buy Fox) Rupert Murdoch stands out particularly for producing rabid lies and deceit to push the government line.
While none of the corporate media deserve any kudos for their coverage (perhaps the Knight-Ridder print corporation for actually giving some coverage to doubts) of the war, there is one particularly egregious example of a fascist leaning U.S. propaganda machine. Fox News Channel, part of Newscorp, owned by the ex-Australian (he became a U.S. citizen to buy Fox) Rupert Murdoch stands out particularly for producing rabid lies and deceit to push the government line.
A fun fact to note is that while Fox is butt clenchingly jingoistic in it’s frothing declarations of supporting the American Republican establishment, Newscorp also owns Star Network. Star network is a Chinese language satellite channel based in Hong Kong that broadcasts into China, until the Chinese government threatened to ban satellite dishes unless Star removed it’s broadcasts of the BBC since that was deemed “subversive” by the Chinese oligarchy. Murdoch is happy to support any government in it’s manufacture of consent, so long as he makes a buck off it, so he canned the BBC. He makes his bucks by being given concessions to the media monopoly laws by his FCC buddy, Michael Powell, the son of the Secretary of State.
Fox’s bias is well covered in the recent documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism. There is now a petition to present to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to complain of Fox’s false advertising in claiming it to be “Fair and Balanced”.