Bravest Lady in America Speaks Truth to Power

August 6, 2004 Off By leigh

Sibel Edmonds tells it like it is to the 9/11 whitewash commission. Her charges are detailed and specific, naming names and referring to significant claims that she testified to the 9/11 commission that are not reported in the commissions findings. This is purposeful suppression, her claims should have at least been reported and addressed in the 9/11 report.

Sibel Edmonds tells it like it is to the 9/11 whitewash commission. Her charges are detailed and specific, naming names and referring to significant claims that she testified to the 9/11 commission that are not reported in the commissions findings. This is purposeful suppression, her claims should have at least been reported and addressed in the 9/11 report.

The Project On Government Oversight has been following her allegations. They have admissions of Robert Mueller III, the director of the FBI that she was sacked from that organisation because she laid charges of espionage and incompetence at the FBI, specifically because she didn’t have “whistleblower” protection. POGO are also suing Attorney-General Ashcroft for attempting to reclassify her public disclosures – surely the most egregious example of “move along folks, nothing to see here” coercive state power.