So Much For Honour Among Capitalists

November 8, 2004 Off By leigh

As the shock begins to recede, significant questions as to the democratic character of the U.S. election persist. One characteristic that stands out clearly is that nearly no-one has heeded Kerry’s call for everyone to kiss, make-up and somehow accept Bush’s immoral administration.

As the shock begins to recede, significant questions as to the democratic character of the U.S. election persist. One characteristic that stands out clearly is that nearly no-one has heeded Kerry’s call for everyone to kiss, make-up and somehow accept Bush’s immoral administration.

As the Allawi government, as expected, becomes an exact repetition of Washington’s previously most favoured tyrant in Iraq, the Financial Times is reporting the corporate brownshirts of the financial world are pursuing their own agenda, recognising that the U.S dollar is far too connected to political instability for long term investment opportunities. If the report is accurate, the Chinese appear to be reducing their holdings of the U.S. dollar. Chinese investors hold the vast proportion of the U.S. debt, and seem to be well aware of the effect of Bush administration policies on the deficit and therefore the dollar value.

As noted before, the Bush administration’s electoral success could be it’s own worst enemy as it now has to continue to justify it’s economic policies once the effect of them becomes apparent.