It’s the Wealth
An article by Rick Perlstein in last weeks Village Voice is worth reading to dispell the notion that it was “moral values” that bought Bush the election. According to Perlstein and the Polysigh blog, it seems that religious voters did not turnout in significantly greater numbers for the 2004 election and then vote for Bush.
An article by Rick Perlstein in last weeks Village Voice is worth reading to dispell the notion that it was “moral values” that bought Bush the election. According to Perlstein and the Polysigh blog, it seems that religious voters did not turnout in significantly greater numbers for the 2004 election and then vote for Bush.
It’s Perlstein’s contention that it was those voters earning above 100K that voted significantly for Bush compared to 2000.
Of course, the turnout was still shockingly low compared to the rest of the world, but improved over the 2000 disaster – 60% (caveat: I need to recheck this figure) compared to 50%.