Alphabet Soup

December 16, 2004 Off By leigh

As some readers may already know, I’ve been squirrelled away working on a music/audio software project for some time. We now (phew) have V2.0 of our product, Alphabet Soup, available as a free demo download.

As some readers may already know, I’ve been squirrelled away working on a music/audio software project for some time. We now (phew) have V2.0 of our product, Alphabet Soup, available as a free demo download.

Alphabet Soup is a simple to use sample and MP3 player, editor, effects processor and mixer aimed at live performances (e.g DJ’s, theatre, radio, backing tracks) and education, without requiring external musical equipment. At the moment it is Mac OS X only, but we have a PC & Linux version in the lab and hope to have those released soon in the new year. We have an advertising campaign starting with Remix magazine this month.

Much of the code base is the open-source MusicKit which I have been maintaining and actively contributing to.
