It’s been a week since I relocated to Amsterdam, to take up a position at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The position is for three years in this beautiful city. I was last here in 1999 and fell in love with the people and the city then.
Things are of course pretty hectic as I go through the paperwork of relocation, together with tying up loose ends back in Australia (ahh, the joys of superannuation and taxation administration!), so these photos are very much some simple snaps, I hope to be posting a bit more frequently in the future.

Amsterdam Canal
Apologies for the mess…

Apartment on Geldersekade
Two views from my window

My apartment is behind the St. Nicholaaskerk

St. Nicholaskerk
Of course…

Hash Museum
Around my neighbourhood (near Nieuwemarkt)

Amsterdam Canal

Amsterdam Canal

Amsterdam Canal boating

Amsterdam Canal