Foot-tapping with Rubato
June 30, 2010This is an example of automatic interpretation of an anapest rhythm undergoing extreme asymmetrical rubato (tempo variation). The foot-tapper plays a hi-hat sound along to a test anapestic rhythm (repeated short-short-long) which is being varied in it’s tempo. The tapper has found the underlying repetition rate and selectively chosen to tap on the first beat…
Clapping to Auditory Salience Traces
June 30, 2010The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) of Morlet and Grossman can also be applied to decompose a rhythm represented by a continuous trace of event “salience” derived directly from the audio signal. We use a measure of event salience developed by our EmCAP partners Prof. Sue Denham and Dr. Martin Coath at the University of Plymouth.…
Anti-bike rhetoric and FUD from NYT
June 24, 2010In the New York Times piece reporting the planned introduction of rental electric cars in Paris, the piece opens with frightening tales of the number of the Velib rental bikes that have been damaged in the history of the operation of the system. This clearly is intended to communicate how much the system has failed.