…and the winners are…
January 20, 2004…Clark and Lieberman. The maneuver by the two most right wing candidates of the Democrat party to avoid the Iowa caucus can be seen to have now skewed the field to the right. By most analysis, Iowans voted strategically and Kerry appealed as a candidate that could compete with Bush. However that now leads him…
Why didn’t Fox complain about the New York Posts Nazi analogies?
January 19, 2004This is the letter I sent to Fox News, after reading FAIR’s evaluation of Fox News flak against MoveOn:
Conspiracy Theories
January 19, 2004Good article on the current consideration of conspiracy theories in light of U.S and British foreign policies.
My daily news sites
January 18, 2004I’ve been checking Juan Coles blog a professor of Middle East history who speaks Urdu, Arabic and other middle east languages. He has some very informed commentary, particularly his monitoring of Arabic news sources.
The Presidents Space Program
January 15, 2004I support astronomical exploration but it is very clear that the idea of sending humans back into space as proposed by Bush yesterday is fundamentally flawed. It turns out the Bush administration has been in talks with Halliburton, Shell, and Baker Hughes among others about the provision of space exploration. There is considerable argument that…
Letter to Presidential Candidates on Guantanamo Bay Detainees
January 14, 2004This is the letter I sent to Dick Gephardt, I sent similar letters to the other candidates regarding the detention of the Guantanamo Bay detainees: Hello, I checked Dick Gephardts statements for his position on the 598+ detainees at Guantanamo Bay and their continuing detention without charge, trial or access by lawyers, family (including letters)…