Agency and Autonomy: Intersections of Artificial Intelligence and Creative Practice
January 13, 2021In October, under lockdown, the International Symposium on Electronic Art 2020 was held virtually. I participated on a panel considering issues of AI and creative practice, discussing my experience in creating AI systems for commercial music production. The video of the whole panel discussion is definitely worth watching, with me as last speaker at 37:44…
Art Exhibitions I’ve Participated In
July 30, 2018My documentation of art exhibitions that I have created or collaborated on. Exhibition of Photography at the Roxy Bar Diesel Denim Gallery
Diesel Denim Gallery
July 26, 2018Exhibition of a real-time video installation “The Retail Experiment” at Diesel Denim gallery, SoHo, New York City from December 5th, 2002 to January 26th, 2003. Collaborated with Tronic Studio, Sebastien Agnessens and Duggal Interactive. Customers signing-in to a mock ATM were photographed and their image projected into a sequence of moving images of people becoming…
Exhibition of Photography at the Roxy Bar
July 24, 2018Exhibition December 1st – 30th, 2001 of photographic work shown at the Roxy Bar, Brooklyn, New York.
June 13, 2009I’ve been experimenting with panoramic photographs on and off for several years. I’ve now posted a set shot many years ago now, in NYC and India, using a Kiwi panoramic head and a Kodak DC240.
Banksy strikes again
September 13, 2006Banksy hits Disneyland. Courtesy of Brett. Actually Aussie John Saffran pulled a similar stunt at Disneyland many years ago, planting a fake caption under a photo of Walt, noting his anti-semitism.
Military Corporatism
October 25, 2004An engaging animation with commentary on the rising U.S. war machine. The message is a little simplistic for my tastes but makes for some great art.
Military Censorship of Filmmaking
September 28, 2004The mealy-mouthed self-censorship of Hollywood is legendary, particularly the Hayes code preventing anything approaching realistic depictions of a variety of adult behaviour. An entertaining description is provided by experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger in Hollywood Bablyon. More frightening is the degree of censorship exercised by the U.S. military in controlling the depiction of U.S. military (and…
Adbusters anti-sweatshop shoe & The Take
September 28, 2004The anti-corporate Adbusters group has started an initiative to produce vegan, hemp sneakers which are produced with fair labour conditions. The shoes have a look similar to Converse (which I wear, buying them prior to them going bankrupt and being bought by the sweatshop baron Nike). Each pair purchased buys shares in the fair trading…
Missile Dick Chicks on Tour
September 16, 2004The Missile Dick Chicks have begun reporting from the road on their tour of Ohio, Tennessee, North Carolina and Washington. Aiming to sing and dance dubya (“W = War!”) back into office with such delightful ditties as “Shop in Name of War” and “These Bombs Were Made For Dropping”, these Patriot missile equipped ladies from…