The Iranian Revolutionary Road
June 22, 2009I’m sure many people have been following the Iranian uprising. What we could also be seeing is the death of corporate journalism. The control by the government regime of corporate and foreign journalists has put the power and obligation of reporting of the uprising back in the hands of the Iranian people. With the current…
Brazil, China and Russia dumping U.S. currency
June 10, 2009As I’ve mentioned before, the U.S. currency has been under threat of massive deflation if it reverts from it’s reserve currency status. In the past, the threat has been from the rise of PetroEuros due to the diversified European political decision making and it’s oil dependence. This Clark hypothesis saw oil as the main trigger…
Bushfire blamestorming
February 12, 2009It only takes a short time before the spectre of disaster capitalism appears in relation to the devastating Australian bush fires. In this case, it is attempting to scapegoat environmentalists as the cause of the bush fires. The claim is that the blazes are due to not clearing undergrowth and that was prevented by lobbying…
The Siege of Gaza
January 3, 2009The news that the Israeli defence force (IDF) is now using artillery only emphasises the indiscriminate nature of their attacks against the Gaza strip. Artillery is uncontrolled and practically untargetted (even with observers several rounds have to be fired to fix a target). It is almost guaranteed to kill innocent people. Gaza is one of…
Recommendations for Obama’s cabinet (guest blog)
November 9, 2008Dear President-elect Obama, Please think big when it comes time to choose your cabinet. You campaigned on change, and that is what your constituents are expecting. This list of recommendations is designed to reflect racial and gender diversity, recognize those who have served in the name of change, and those who clearly wish to have…
Japanese Whale Killers Set Sail
November 20, 2007It seems indicative of a return of Japanese rising nationalism and imperialism for the country to be throwing off it’s obligations to conform to world law and instead throw a sop to it’s politically powerful fishing industry and nationalist sentiments.
It’s the oil, stupid
October 24, 2007Couldn’t have said it better. Once again, from the excellent war in context news service. It dovetails nicely with Naomi Klein’s Disaster Capitalism thesis.
It’s all about the Oil
March 1, 2007If you’ve been living under a rock, or worse, subscribing to the bogus claims of the Bush administration to be bringing democracy to Iraq, the recently leaked legislation for Iraq’s oil (written by U.S. consultants in English and then translated) should prove the popular claim that Iraq was invaded to seize control of it’s oil…
Federal Court Slows Genetically Modified Momentum
February 21, 2007(Guest blog by Jill): The Center for Food Safety reported last week on a decision against the US Department of Agriculture:
Iranian kidnappings, the new Gulf of Tonkin?
February 12, 2007William Clark presciently addressed reasons for the Bush administrations drive to invade Iraq in 2002. He hypothesised the preservation of the petrodollar as the monopoly oil reserve currency as the real (under-reported) reason to invade Iraq (since Saddam in Nov 2000 changed to selling his oil in Euros). Clark recently released a new article that…