MusicKit V5.6.2 now available
December 5, 2009There is now a new release available of the MusicKit that will run on MacOS 10.4 through to 10.6 and GNUstep. Binaries for MacOS 10.6 Intel only are now also available. Versions of MacOS below 10.4 are no longer officially supported.
SBCL fink build for PPC
September 23, 2009I’ve just posted an updated 1.0.31 install file for SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp) to build on PowerPC Macintoshes using the fink package manager. This should eventually appear as part of the unstable section of fink for MacOS 10.5. MacOS 10.5.X is the end of the road for PPC Mac’s (and I’m still running a…
Generating Apple HelpViewer documents from DocBook
July 12, 2009Apple’s HelpViewer application is quite nice for users to read documentation for their application. The help documentation for each application is authored in HTML, with a couple of extra META tags. However this is less than ideal if you also want to provide a printed version of the documentation (i.e. PDF), or other file formats,…
MusicKit V5.6.0 now available
July 5, 2009After a period that is much longer than I had hoped for, a new release V5.6.0 of the MusicKit is now available. The change log is huge, but the highlights are: Documentation on building the MusicKit has been improved. Now builds on MacOS 10.5.X Intel or PPC and GNUstep. No longer requires external libraries to…
Axon Bends recordings
February 19, 2009Examples of pitch bend tracking on Axon guitar synths: Axon bends and Axon_detuned.
December 22, 2008I’ve now moved to a drupal based web site and so this is the last message on this feed. From now on, all new messages will be from, or just visit for the link.
Software Projects
December 20, 2008Some open source projects I have started, maintained or contributed to, which are hosted on GitHub and/or Sourceforge, in addition to my commercial projects (described in my biography), include: MultiresRhythm A Common Lisp library of the Multiresolution Rhythm model of rhythm, syncopation and expectation representation as produced during the EmCAP project. See my Research Page…
Welcome to my new website
December 20, 2008It’s well past the time for a major rethink of my site. I’ve decided to use drupal which Jill and I have successfully been using over at, and version 6 looks to be quite a nice upgrade from version 5. Eventually most of the content will be converted over to the new site and…
December 20, 2008My research concerns modelling the task of emergent musical rhythm perception. This includes models of syncopation, rhythmic complexity, rhythmic expectancy, similarity, beat tracking, downbeat determination and the use of continuous wavelet transforms for time-frequency representations of musical rhythm.
December 20, 2008I have worked in commercial systems analysis, software engineering, project management, personnel training, technical writing, system and network administration. Application experience includes music information retrieval systems, audio DSP applications, music composition systems, bank cryptography, EFTPOS, smartcards, language design and compiler construction, embedded systems, communications, computer graphics, geographic/land information systems, GPS based aerial photography positioning systems.